HealthTech Lecture: DeepEn – Minimally-invasive, holographic endoscopes for deep tissue imaging

28.10.2024, 14.00 Uhr15.30 Uhr | online

HealthTech-Lecture of DeepEn, a research transfer spinoff from Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology

DeepEn develops the world's thinnest microendoscopes, capable of subcellular resolution observations within hard-to-access body regions while causing minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. The hair-thin instrument uses a single optical fibre as an imaging probe, with a 10 times smaller footprint than state-of-the-art endoscopes. The young company is a recently founded spin-off from Leibniz-IPHT in Jena, Germany.  The team is driven by the vision to equip neuroscience and biomedical laboratories with powerful tools to better understand the brain's biology, thus enabling more rapid development of effective therapies against brain disorders. The DeepEn microendoscope can image microscopic cell structures, monitor blood flow, and record neural activity by reading out electric signals up to 25,000 times per second. DeepEn works on developing the technology further, turning holographic endoscopes into minimally invasive medical devices in the future.

Patrick Westermann and Dr. Hana Cizmarova;
both from DeepEn, a research transfer spinoff from Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology

Lecture language: English

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