Market introduction and reimbursement: workshop for young EU researchers

On May 11, 2023, international Early Stage Researchers of the PHAST-ETN participated in a joint workshop of Leibniz Health Technologies with the InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena as part of an engagement week

The European training network PHAST (Photonics for Healthcare: multiscAle cancer diagnosiS and Therapy) offers 15 early stage researchers (ESR) a strong multidisciplinary PhD program in the dynamic field of biophotonics. During an engagement week, the ESRs gained insights into translating research into medical technology products. Leibniz Health Technologies and InfectoGnostics organized a day on market introduction and reimbursement for this purpose.

After an introduction by Dr. Jens Hellwage on trends and models of cooperation in public-private partnerships for innovations in medical technology, Dr. Simon Reif from LGT partner ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research discussed with the participants ways and hurdles for the introduction of new technologies from an economic perspective.

Subsequently, Dr. Robby Markwart and Anni Matthes from the University Hospital Jena (Project Group POCT-ambulant) showed reimbursement pathways for the introduction of IVD/medical devices and novel technologies in Germany and Europe, so that the international Early Stage Researchers gained insights into the German and European healthcare and reimbursement system.


POCT-ambulant - Research-Development-Practice-Dialogue of the InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena for the demand-oriented development of PoC tests.

With "POCT-ambulant", the research campus is developing a structured and systematic program to assess patient benefit and clinical need for on-site testing procedures (so-called point-of-care procedures) in the office-based setting.

As a clinical accompanying research project, an active, regional research-development-practice dialogue with general practitioners is thus established. The Institute of General Medicine of the UKJ cooperates with a network of teaching and research practices from all over Thuringia. In this way, experiences from medical practices are to be incorporated into research and development at an early stage.

POCT-ambulant is a campus-wide, interdisciplinary accompanying project.
In "POCT-ambulant", InfectoGnostics researchers from the Institute of General Medicine at Jena University Hospital are developing a structured and systematic program to assess the patient benefit and clinical need for on-site testing procedures (so-called point-of-care procedures) in private practice.

The aim
In the project, POCT users (physicians in private practice, practice staff and patients) are specifically networked with developers and researchers. Experiences and needs from practice are thus incorporated into the research and development of POCTs at an early stage and, at the same time, practice personnel learn about new on-site testing procedures that can improve patient care at an early stage and in a scientifically sound manner.

Get Involved!
There are numerous ways to get involved in the POCT-ambulant project for physicians
and healthcare professionals, patients, developers, researchers, and representatives of physician self-governance.